Saturday, November 24, 2012

Importance of RSS Feeds

The importance of RSS feeds not only to those that want to keep up to date on topics but is very useful for webmasters that provide the news. The reason this is helpful is that a RSS feed notifies the readers of your website when you upload new content. The process is completely out of your hands. You will not have to send out emails each time you add a new story, photo, or post. The feed will send out to all those that have subscribed to your content.

Along with this, search engines will send out the feed so anyone interested in the topic can find the information quickly. Once those interested read the content, they can also subscribe to your feed. What this does is provide you with more traffic that is interested in topic. If you own a business or sell any type of product a RSS feed will ensure you get the word out on new products, events, or sales that you may have. This will of course, bring in loads of traffic wanting to purchase your products.

No matter the reason, RSS feeds are important to anyone that releases information or blog posts as it will put the information in the hands of your readers quickly. This will give your loyal readers the chance to have the information as soon as you upload the content. The more keyword rich content you post, the more the search engines will love your feeds and give you higher rankings for your keywords. When you receive higher rankings, you become known as an expert in your field or industry, which of course will bring more traffic. Targeted traffic is just what you want in order to sell your products or services or just to keep like-minded individuals visiting your website.

There are many things that can be sent to your subscribers via RSS feeds including event lists, pod casts, notifications of new products, change logs, alerts, updates, local news, and national news to name a few. With this powerful tool, your subscribers will enjoy your posts and stay loyal to your company as you are providing pertinent interesting topics they enjoy. Best of all, you are providing them with an easy way to stay up to date without checking every hour or so to see if anything new has been posted. RSS feeds are important to keep all of your readers up to date with an easy way to know what is happening in one location.

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Benefits of RSS for Business

Many small business owners have a slight notion of what are the benefits to syndicate their content, but not all of them know exactly what to do to achieve success. Indeed, success does not come as easy as setting up a blog to generate RSS feeds.

While most blog publishing platforms have an integrated code source to produce feeds as soon as new content is created or modified, the whole process can be split in two well-differentiate areas; the coding and the human input.

Coding RSS feeds is an automated process generated dynamically by programming languages such as PHP, Phyton, ASP, ASP.NET or Ruby on Rails. Unless a business owner is also interested in web development, there is not much to do with this but simply add content to the blog or website to get the script generating the feed and calling up the updating services to inform about.

Even though from the human side, the business owner is responsible of the published content and success strives in the way this content is marketed. A well-crafted Internet marketing strategy must pay attention to each article and post published, using a descriptive title, which is not smaller than four words, and preferably with the main keyword on it.

Content should also be reviewed for good spell and grammar, besides proper keyword density, which is the number of times that a keyword or set of keywords repeat in an article without looking spammy or keyword-stuffed. Keyword density is measured in percentage, and it is based on an article length, but the recommend number should fluctuate between two and four percent.

One big marketing mistake is creating content with search engines in mind rather than analyze what surfers are looking for. Content syndicated via RSS must match a surfer's expectation, not just to be the food that nurtures search engine crawling. Getting to know what the surfers expect from a blog or website is getting closer to success.

Nevertheless, RSS is also the best supplemental communication tool to spread the word when it comes to product updates, new items in stock or discontinued services. Therefore a business owner may consider to have more than a single RSS feed, but one per each topic, area or department. This will surely facilitate life for surfers, subscribing only to the feeds they are interested in, and also to websites syndicating your content, choosing the streamline that best matches their own requirements.

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Where to Find RSS Feeds

Subscribing to RSS feeds is really easy and you can find this option in most websites when you are surfing the web. However, if you want to focus on certain topics the first thing that you may consider is to narrow your search. Google is probably the most queried search engine, so you can try it first by searching for the keyword or keywords you are interested in.

Such query will display a wide variety of websites to start with, including blogs, forums, reference websites, and more. This type of research may take too much of your time, and it might be either a rewarding or discouraging experience. Repeating the same routine querying other search engines including Yahoo and Bing can bring additional results and this is mostly what some people do to collect information that later will be added into a RSS directory.

Yes, there are many RSS directories that have already done this job for you already. They have found what websites are offering feeds syndication and have made their listings available to all. Furthermore, those directories classified the sources by topic and therefore are easier find whatever information you might be looking for.

To find those directories use a search engine but type "RSS directory" as the keyword, instead of seeking individual terms. Searching directories however is advisable when accuracy is not a determining factor in your research. Many directories are not updated frequently, and some others were set up many years back and never reviewed again to date.

Other good source to find RSS feeds updated regularly is blogs, but there are also so many online that narrowing the search with the word "blog" plus your sought-after topics is highly recommended. Self-hosted blogs lack of an advantage that free blogs have; a directory-like listing that you can find directly on the provider's website.

Some popular blogs providers include Blogger, WordPress, MyBlogSite, LiveJournal and Tumblr. Visiting those websites, you can find either blog listings or search tools to find the RSS feeds that you want. The drawback is that free-hosted blogs are not always a reliable information source, opposite to self-hosted.

Although there are many other ways to find RSS syndication on the web, one good option is visiting media websites. Those big companies that broadcast news on TV or printed media generally have online feeds for almost any topic, and everybody is welcome to go for them on-site.

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Improve Search Engine Rankings With RSS

RSS gives webmasters the ability to provide their readers with new content that pertains to their website, which aids in bringing loyal readers. Along with receiving more traffic since the content will be constantly updated, search engine spiders will crawl the site more often. The best part of all is that the content you provide or supply for your website will be automated. Of course, the benefits are RSS are not only seen with webmasters but internet surfers as well.

Let's take a look at why search engines love RSS feeds.

These feeds provide content on the same subject matter. These are known as themed feeds. This aids webmasters in getting spiders crawling as the keywords they want to rank for are often found in the title of the feeds. Just by adding these feeds to your website, search engines will use this to tag your website as being one with related content.

Not only do RSS feeds provide relevant content but they also provide current and updated content at specific times. As a publisher adds an article to the feed, the oldest article in the group is taken off the feed. The changes happen simultaneously; therefore, the content is always new and current.

What these does for search engines is provides them with fresh updated content. This means the spiders will visit your website more often, normally once per day, if not more as long as the feed is updating every day. The more often spiders find new content that is relevant to your website, the more often they will visit which means your website will be indexed more often. Your pages will be indexed faster than competitors.

This may be hard to believe but you can actually receive better search engine rankings by using RSS feeds. Spiders are in search of relevant content and fresh content. If you are supplying both of these, you can certainly rank higher in the engines. Just be sure to find RSS feeds that use the keywords you desire to be ranked for and ensure your own content is relevant. This will certainly help you go up in ranks, which means more traffic and more sales or revenue.

Of course, you do not want to stuff keywords in your content, as this will not help your ranking. You want visitors just as much as you want spiders. The content should be readable, informative, and give visitors a reason to come back.

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Keyword Research - The Big Picture Of Why Keyword Research Is Important

Keyword research is a practice used by search engine optimization professionals to find and research actual search terms people enter into the search engines when conducting a search. Search engine optimization professionals research keywords in order to achieve better rankings for their desired keywords. So besides the definition of what keyword research is, it's far more important to understand why keyword research is important to your online business.

I like to think of keywords as being the foundation of content creation. When you do some research and find keywords related to your business, you can use those in so many ways to build up your business. For instance, when you do proper keyword research, you can use the keywords for all sorts of things like pay per click campaigns, article marketing, blog posts, forum marketing, press releases, video marketing and so much more.

Now that's kind of the 'basic' idea of what you do with keywords. Let's take it a step further in what's really happening online today.

Every single minute of every single day, people are searching the Internet looking for solutions to their problems. If your products or services solve their problems, you're half way there. The real trick is you want to be right there in front of them at the exact moment they are searching for a solution to their problems.

That's the big picture of keyword research.

Lets say you're in the weight loss industry and your product helps someone lose weight by following a specific system that uses water (this is just an example and completely made up). You want to find the keywords that are associated with losing weight with water, so when someone actually types in 'how do I lose weight with the water method', you're right there. You're the first listing on the first page and you have the exact solution that they're looking for. That's the idea.

It's important to understand that if you're not there, your competitor will be. They will get the sale, they will get the customer for the long haul (assuming their product works) and you've lost out on a chance to build a long-term relationship with your customer. Now of course this isn't a 'do or die' type situation where if you're not on the first page of the search rankings you're never going to make a sale, but I think you get the idea. Smart marketers who target the right keywords will make the sales while the other marketers who don't know which keywords to target will be left wondering what's going on.

Obviously not every traffic generation strategy out there today relies on keyword research, but a good amount of them do. Take the time to do proper keyword research and your business will thank you for it down the road.

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RSS Feeds and SEO

RSS also known as Really Simple Syndication or what some just refer to as, news feed, is a wonderful way for webmasters to syndicate their website content to other websites, which means nothing more than sharing their headlines and posts.

These feeds are updated each time you post content and are sent out across the net. As long as you are utilizing the keywords properly, you will achieve a quality post with search engine optimization to ensure you are found by your prominent keywords. Search engines love new content, which is provided via RSS feeds, so as long as you are working with your keywords and keywords phrases you will be found in the search engines through these keywords.

On the other hand, if you only have a website with RSS feeds from several different website using your keywords, the search engines will consider you a spam site. This will certainly not help your web presence. You need to have quality content as well instead of just using others content. It is fine to utilize other feeds, but if you do not provide any new content of your own, then you will be deemed spam which will put your website either out of the search engines or buried so far back that no one will find your website.

The best way to implement RSS feeds for SEO purposes is to have a sidebar on your website that will show the feed with headlines that match the topic of your website. These feeds will be keyword rich and will help with the rankings of your website without being considered spam. In order to ensure your site is not tossed aside as spam, you should only have two or three feeds. If you have too many, once again you will more than likely be classified as spam by search engines.

Remember, you will still want to update your own content at least once or twice per week. If the only new content search engines are receiving from your website is others feeds then you are still putting yourself in danger of being classified as spam.

To find the best feeds that match your website you can visit RSS directories and search the database using your keyword or keywords phrase. Then add these to your RSS feed on your website. This will provide you with extra keyword content that will help to rank your website as an expert site on the subject matter.

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